Bell Schedule
Course Offerings
Bible 6
Bible 6 introduces the structure and themes of the Word of God. Students briefly examine each book in Scripture, learning how God uses imperfect men and women to reflect His grace.
Bible 7
Bible 7 examines the identity and purpose of God's Son, Jesus, as He was here on earth. Students learn how to apply spiritual concepts to their own lives as they learn to become more Christ-like. Students explore more about Christ through his ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension as seen in the Gospels. This study helps students get to know the attributes of Christ and learn how to apply them personally.
Bible 8
Bible 8 is an integrated worldview and Bible survey course specifically designed to meet the challenges that 6-8 students face today as they develop and grow their own faith. Bible 8 focuses on the Christian aspect of several disciplines such as theology, philosophy, ethics, sociology, and biology. Lessons teach students how to make decisions as a Christian in various situations.
English 6
English 6 places an emphasis on reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary development, and writing. Students focus on reading and writing, emphasizing narrative, informative, persuasive, and research assignments. All literature will be examined from a Christian point of view, though not all selections will necessarily be Christian.
English 7
English 7 delves more deeply into reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary development, and writing. Students focus on reading and writing, emphasizing narrative, informative, persuasive, and research assignments. All literature is examined from a Christian point of view, though not all selections will necessarily be Christian.
English 8
English 8 is a one-year course that focuses on developing an understanding of the English language structure and applying this knowledge to literature and writing. Students read a variety of genres contained in the curriculum. In addition to the curriculum, students read multiple novels throughout the school year. Writing assignments include informal and formal essays emphasizing narrative, informative, argumentative, and research assignments.
Advanced English 8
Advanced English 8 is an accelerated English class. While all English 8 students are challenged to achieve excellence, the advanced course expects students to be self-motivated and possess a desire and enthusiasm to excel in all areas of the English curriculum (including grammar, literature, and writing). Requirements include higher-level reading, essay writing, and advanced grammar concepts. Advanced English 8 students are challenged to develop critical thinking through assignments emphasizing upper-level thinking skills of application, analysis, and evaluation. Students must sustain excellent study habits and behavior. To qualify for Advanced English 8, students must have earned a "B" or higher in English 7 and must maintain at least a "B" throughout the school year.
Please be advised that summer reading and writing assignments are required for students to be admitted into this class.
Math 1
Math 1 covers concepts identified in the Common Core State Standards for sixth grade, including ratios and proportional relationships, the number system, expressions and equations, geometry, statistics, and probability.
Math 2
Math 2 covers concepts identified in the Common Core State Standards for seventh grade, including word problems, fractions, polygons, decimals, money, fractional parts, area, perimeter, volume, place value, percent, ration, probability, angle measurement, factoring, exponents, and graphs.
Math 3
Math 3 covers concepts identified in the Common Core State Standards for eighth-grade pre-algebra, which includes real numbers, equations in one variable, equations in two variables, functions, triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem, transformations, congruence and similarity, volume and surface area, and scatter plots and data analysis.
Algebra 1
Algebra 1 covers concepts identified in the Common Core State Standards for algebra, which includes seeing structure in expression, arithmetic with polynomials and rational expressions, creating equations, and reasoning with equations and inequalities.
Geometry covers concepts identified in the Common Core State Standards for geometry, which include congruence, similarity, right triangles, and trigonometry, circles, expressing geometric properties with equations, geometric measurement and dimension, and modeling with geometry.
If a student takes Algebra 1 or above in 8th grade, the grades count toward high school credit if continuing onto DCA for high school.
Physical Education 6-8
Physical Education provides 6-8 students with a well-rounded introduction to many activities. Brief units focus on skills to help students discover what lifetime activities they enjoy most. The course also incorporates a health component, which includes nutrition and a healthy mindset. Students are encouraged to set personal health and fitness goals and learn the importance of being physically fit.
Earth Science 6
Earth Science 6 is a one-year course covering astronomy, ecology, meteorology, earth’s structure, and surface shaping. It emphasizes the relationship between science, faith, and reason; elements found in nature; and natural occurrences. The focus is on the provision of God our Creator in the orderliness of the universe and the earth, and the students’ place in God’s plan.
Life Science 7
Life Science 7 is a course designed to help students explore, study, and discover the power of God the Creator through the study of the life sciences. Students learn how to use the scientific method for problem-solving as well as cell biology, genetics, the structure and function of living systems, and some underlying physical principles.
Physical Science 8
Physical Science 8 presents students with the foundation for understanding God’s creation by introducing physics and chemistry. By the end of the course, students develop a solid foundation in the basics of matter, chemistry, motion, and energy. Care is taken to emphasize the provision of God our Creator in the orderliness of His creation and the students’ place in God’s plan.
Social Studies 6 - Ancient History
Social Studies 6 is designed to expand students’ knowledge of the ancient world. The course covers geography, history, and culture. The focus is on ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, Greece, India, China, Early Rome, and the Americas. Content is taught from a Christian world perspective to help students recognize the world and time God has provided and how man has used or abused it. Students discover how the hand of God has worked through time and people and how events transpired for both those who served Him and those who chose not to.
Social Studies 7 - World History
Social Studies 7 covers a foundation in World History. Students study the physical features, climate, and relationship to surrounding bodies of land and water for given places. Additionally, they learn about the lifestyles, accomplishments, politics, and religious beliefs of those who lived in these places from the decline and fall of the Roman Empire (about 500 B.C.) through the Age of Exploration (around 1500 to 1600). All of this will be taught from a biblical perspective recognizing the world, culture, and time God has provided and how man has utilized or abused it.
Social Studies 8 - US History
Social Studies 8 covers a foundation in American History, focusing primarily on the formation of thought, action, and governance in America from 1600 to 1900. Students discuss and dissect Colonial America, the American Revolution (and surrounding themes), the Civil War, Reconstruction, Industrialization, and the basics of the Constitution. Included in the year’s curriculum is the Washington, D.C. trip. All students–those going to D.C. and those remaining home–participate in a Washington, D.C. packet and project assigned after the trip.
6-8 Art is designed to encourage students to develop knowledge and skills of creating, evaluating, presenting, and appreciating art pieces in a way that makes the visual arts a meaningful activity. This includes an emphasis on the elements and principles of art while exploring drawing, painting, and multimedia techniques. Students have a chance to showcase work they’ve done in the culminating project at the end of the year: The VAPA Showcase.
6-8 Advanced Band
6-8 Advanced Band provides classroom instruction to help students focus on increasing their playing skills and knowledge of multiple styles of music. Homework and practice requirements are issued to enhance playing and understanding of music and band concepts. Emphasis is on further developing instrumental proficiency and ministering to God and others through music. Band members will perform at various school functions and public concerts throughout the year.
6-8 Beginning Band
6-8 Beginning Band provides classroom instruction to students who have a desire to learn an instrument. Homework and practice requirements are issued to enhance playing and understanding of music and band concepts. Emphasis is on further developing instrumental proficiency and ministering to God and others through music. Band members will perform at various school functions and public concerts throughout the year. The goal of Beginning Band is to transfer to Advanced Band for the second semester.
Journalism/Mass Media
Journalism/Mass Media is designed to introduce students to basic journalism concepts. The course allows students to explore the areas that run the world of mass media including writing, interviewing, social media, photography, etc. Students have fun expressing their creativity while engaging in the school community, writing for a variety of purposes, and exploring careers in this field. In addition, this course reviews components of digital literacy, which requires students to think critically about information and to become responsible online users.
The Yearbook/Photography course provides students the opportunity to learn the basic elements of taking great photographs. Students use many of their photographs in the yearbook to design and produce. The yearbook functions as a memory book that reflects not only the activities of the school year but also the Spirit of God that dwells on the campus and in the students.
Grading and Course Selection
Destiny Christian Academy follows the traditional grading system. DCA offers one honors course (Advanced English 8) and advanced math placement. Student selection for these courses is based upon successful completion of prerequisite courses, in-class performance, teacher recommendation, and standardized testing. Any high school-level course taken during seventh or eighth grade (Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra 2) will be listed on the student’s upper school transcript; however, the grade earned will not be included in earned credits, the cumulative high school grade point average, or class rank.
Grading Scale
A+ | 97-100 |
A | 93-96 |
A- | 90-92 |
B+ | 87-89 |
B | 83-86 |
B- | 80-82 |
C+ | 77-79 |
C | 73-76 |
C- | 70-72 |
D+ | 67-69 |
D | 63-66 |
D- | 60-64 |
F | 0-59 |