

A quality kindergarten experience is key to academic success in K-5, so we provide two full-day program options for students: a traditional kindergarten class or a multiage (K-2) class. Both options offer nurturing and challenging learning experiences for this early age and produce well-equipped children who are developing Christ-like attitudes and traits that will prepare them to succeed in a competitive world.

Track Options

  • Multiage – DCA offers a K-2 and 3-4 multiage program. This option allows students the opportunity to work in peer groups (same grade), ability groups (for reading and math specifically), and buddy groups (older, middler, and younger for K-2 and older/younger for 3-4). Students who work well independently and navigate transitions well throughout the day often benefit from this model. Students grow in leadership as they advance through the program. Standards are taught in a rotational order for Bible, social science, and science. Students can transition in and out of the multiage program from year to year if room permits; however, it is designed for students to complete the full scope (K-2 or 3-4) to fulfill all of the grade-level standards.
    • K-2
      • Up to 15 students per grade level (45 students total)
      • Two teachers and a full-time assistant teacher
      • Three adjoined classrooms
    • 3-4
      • Up to 20 students per grade level (40 students total)
      • Two teachers and a full-time aide
      • Three adjoined classrooms


  • Traditional – DCA also offers a traditional classroom option for grades K-4. This option allows students to work in same-grade peer groups. Varied reading groups are available for ability groupings. While both programs are structured, the traditional setting includes a smaller group of students and fewer transitions throughout the day, making it an ideal setting for students who benefit from more individualized instruction and less independent work. Standards are taught in grade-level sequence each year for the traditional grade level. 


Students are required to participate in ten minutes of math and ten minutes of reading five of the seven nights each week. The purpose behind this requirement is to reinforce the learning that has taken place at school while continuing to develop the students’ basic math and reading skills at home. Teachers provide suggested activities, games, and tools that can be used. Completion of the Give-Me-Ten results in a weekly homework grade for grades 3-5.


Students in K-5 experience multiple exploratories to their core academic curriculum. Specials include art, library, music, PE, and technology. Students in grades 3-5 can participate weekly in band class with concert performances. Specials teachers grow student skill sets while creating an atmosphere of excitement and self-expression to help students discover their gifts, talents, and passions for kingdom formation.